Sunday, January 8, 2012

Le départ

On my favorite spot, once again, I've been overshadowed by these contemplations over the past year. I've realized how much more important it is to just let your fingers do the typing and eventually your deep thoughts and feelings will follow than remembering or thinking about them in your head, listening to what your mind says and letting your heart compromise, again.
To tell you honestly, I was very reluctant at the beginning to write something like this. Too cliched. But everything just keeps on coming back, telling me that it's time to leave all what has passed and start the year with a very pure heart, filled with happiness, contentment, kindness, and love; no more sadness, dissatisfaction, cruelty, and hate.

Just as any other good friends of mine would say, 2011 is quite a year. There are many ups as well as the downs. There were many heartaches and despairs, yet lessons and chances arose from these two, which is basically the reason why I had to go through them. Blessings in disguise, I would rather say. 

Many things were forgotten and lost yet much more things were remembered and found. It was a year of departures. Leaving such an Alma mater with all the courage you've got is way unbearable.(That's according to me.) Since, high school was so far the best thing that ever happened to me, I just wanted to stay there forever, with all the people who I never thought could make me who I am today and with all the people who I just know for who they are. Leaving all my other prophecies of the future and just focusing on what my heart truly desires. Leaving the ones who shattered my heart into pieces, who broke my trust and hopes, and who never ever handed down their insensitivity in front of me. It's time to LEAVE

Some say you leave because you can't take it. I say, I leave to start anew. 
On the brighter side, while you're actually on that melancholic process, you'll always be accompanied by the ones who choose to stay with you when everyone else turns left and the ones who care and feel for you when everyone else gets imprudent. Sometimes, you'll come across or bumped into people who you never thought would mend those broken pieces; as another treatment for that wounded heart. 
Well, another year is just another year. YET this time, I rather wish to stay than to leave...

1 comment:

  1. "Leaving the ones who shattered my heart into pieces, who broke my trust and hopes, and who never ever handed down their insensitivity in front of me." BITTER
