Sunday, February 19, 2012

Dash Errands

After making my way out of the narrow and deep exit of the year passed, I was greeted upfront by these untimely rushed chores. Again, time traveled so fast, so fast that only after more or less 41 days I get to randomly reflect on my endeavors. 
To begin with, 

  • Mid-terms 

One word...UGH
We were left with a week and a half to discuss and finish all our lessons, what to expect? Hell week
I tried my best to study every night and make the most of it productive and by ultimately achieving this, I combated drowsiness with a cup of coffee and pica-pica, leading me to four hours of sleep in four straight days. On the fifth day, I got sick. I had Fever. I can't think. I can't study by the week end. I need to rest. I need to get some sleep. I need not to go to school. I was like "aj^@*#^%!" I became fine just as the night before exams, yeah, so timely. 
All in all, I've got nine subjects to study so I ended up, you know...half-dead, half-paralyzed. I wasn't satisfied with the outcome especially with that of my major subject - Accounting Love. (instead of Accounting Shit, you know why) Depressing 'cause I wasn't able to make it, UGHgain. But that wasn't all, I knew by heart I was pre-occupied and somewhat distracted at that time, not to mention the festivity and merry-making that are waiting for me. 

  • Election

After tasting  the heaven felt on earth on that outrageously fun weekend following my mid-terms exam, I came across with a break. I thought it was silly and unreasonable at first. Like, who? me? Run for election? seriously? I've never done that except for some club organizations but that of my college? Oh no. There are merely certain factors why I thought of refusing it (That's another different story). However, with the help of my companions and with the enthusiasm I saw within Nang Pevs who is running for president, I grabbed it. Filing my candidacy honestly gave me chills. It's another responsibility I accepted. I ran for the position of 2nd year board member and only my fellow batchmates could vote for me. Above that, I shouldn't be anti-social anymore. When hanging with the group, I was really really quite, timid, and shy. I'm finding my way to my comfort zone and just be casual. Being the youngest, I don't talk and do a lot. Yet, in turn, my party mates were very welcoming to make me belong. Well, to be elected, the people should see your sincerity, dedication, and commitment towards your accountability. Many people, well, at least most if not all, saw them in our group. With our flyers, name tags, and bands, we were able to campaign vigorously under the banner of D.E.B.I.T Party. "Dominion of Exemplary Businessmen who promotes Independence and Trust towards students." 
Photos courtesy of Pevee Nacanaynay :)
The election was in line with our JPIA week. To make the story short and to not prolong the agony, I lost by 3 points. 75 vs 72. I need at least 3 or 4 more votes to aim it. DAMN! FATE. But what other depresses me is the fact that, two sections weren't able to vote for me within the ongoing election. Another sigh. Congratulations to my fellow Debitants who made it! I'm pretty sure that they all deserve the votes and trust of the Jpians. 
At the end of the day, it's not really about winning or getting the position, it's about gaining friendship and trying out the challenge. Nevertheless, I am very much thankful for all the people who supported and entrusted their votes for me. Maybe politics isn't my calling. This whole election thing---charged to experience, and that is what I am most grateful for. 

Pre-finals came after and my goal was UNO. After meeting new faces of my manongs and manangs at the accountancy department, I've gotten motivated and inspired. I thought for a moment, I, too, wanted to be just like them. I really admire their perseverance and hardwork. If they can make it, why can't I? 
I think it's really time for me straighten and fix things up. If I was discouraged at the beginning, I couldn't go back anymore, all I have to do is to start today and make a new ending. If I saw my name on the other list, but not in the list of new officers, it's a cue that I should have more focus on my studies first. I gained some, I lost some. But that doesn't matter. 

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