Friday, December 28, 2012

Back after Six

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6... It has been SIX months since I last updated my blog. 

I know, this isn't normal for such a blogger. What was I thinking? I can't just take away what I have started here. I bet I have a lot of explaining to do. 

At some point, I miss the art of writing. You know, just letting your fingers do the typing on a previously blank paper. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to do that for the past six months (obviously). I was really caught up with A LOT, but I could summarize them into four major hindrances:

1. Pharmacy: A big shift in my career

I remember I wrote about all the doubts I had for myself in one post before. Well, my questions were answered in no time. Let's face it, Accountancy wasn't for me after all. I thought I could put the blame on the school's faculty and their newly-revised grading system, but others were able to make it. Now I understand why I have to fail before. I can assure you I did not sleep for three days straight just to study for the finals only for that accounting subject. And yet, I still failed. At least, I tried.  and that's all it matters.  

I thought I wouldn't be able to move on. However, through time, I was able to learn that Accountancy wasn't everything, and that's when I discovered Pharmacy. I am starting to love my course despite all the hassles in the laboratory, demanding teachers, and of course, the too much intake of information.  Well, Pharmacy had made me busier because of the many major subjects to fulfill compared to Accountancy. What I like most of this course is that I don't have to pressure myself anymore. I wouldn't live in agonies nor in doubts. But, that doesn't mean I wouldn't do my best. As much as possible, I want to maintain my average grades especially now that my subjects are getting harder and harder.

2. My Birthday: Celebrating my transition to Womanhood 

Up to now, I still can't believe I just became a debutante last 31st of August. I really thought Mom wouldn't give me a party that I wanted so bad. I mean like, who doesn't want to be the center of attraction at least for one night? I wouldn't exchange the wonderful memories for anything material. 

One month preparation and we all pulled it through together with the help of my family, especially my two aunties and grandma, who complied with our financial constraints.  There were a lot to prepare, I swear it wasn't that easy. Even Mom and I had to go through a lot of dramas because she thinks I'm not doing anything for my birthday, you know, the sitting pretty kind of stuff.

Though it wasn't really that grand, I was very happy because the people who made a difference in my life were able to come, at least, if not all. Mom really showed how much she can be a mother to me despite of not being a perfect daughter to her. I love my Mom, she really is the reason why my birthday is complete. At the end of the night, no words can express how was I thankful for everything.

3. Parties: My new Outlet

Party here. Party there. Party everywhere!

Indeed, 2012 did throw a lot of party-like-it's-the-end-of-the-world parties. That doesn't necessarily mean I became a party animal for attending such. I guess I've just seen myself went out more often than usual. Not to mention, this year is our batch's turn to become of legal ages. This is where I get to socialized but then leave my body restless for not getting enough sleep.

This year, I also went for the chill mode, in other words, "tambay". Ever since, this has become our favorite past time. From fast food chains to coffee shops to resto bars, whatever you call them. Maybe the reason I didn't find myself writing for the past six months is because I often find myself having heart-to-heart talks with my closest friends, and I find therapeutic listening much way better than this, writing.

4. Exercise: My one-way step to healthy living

I may be the luckiest girl in the world for eating anything I want without getting fat, but my tummy is merely an exception for being the only thing that's getting bigger. It sucks, really bad. It's okay if my extra fats would go to my tits or butt so at least I will have something to look forward to.

My mother was the first one who encouraged me to do some workout even just here in the house. Well, the whole family is quite body conscious the past few years, so I guess it's time to blend in. Every week, I would spend at least 3-4 times exercising when I arrive home from school. If it's quite a week, then two days will do. Sometimes, I would find this as stress-reliever but since it's a rigorous activity, it exhausts me as well.

I'm really trying my best to catch up with you, my zippers. What a shame I came this year with number of posts I can even count on my fingers. I do hope I could explain further each of my reasons here (fingers crossed). At least for now, you know what I've been up to for the past six months.☺

Say hello to my most recent look.