Monday, December 31, 2012

Adam Hits Me In The Heart Ten Times

If there's this one band which I would listen to forever and would promise myself to see them perform live before I die, that would be where Adam Levine is the lead vocalist and guitarist, no other than the Maroon 5. I've always been a fan of them since the year 2002 when they first released their album, Songs about Jane - his ex-girlfriend. The theme of their music is most probably about the L word. Love. From lost love to true love. This is basically the reason why I did fall for Adam and his songs, and oh, have I mentioned he composed mostly of the songs? 
Yes, he did. 

Before they might hit the Billboards again in the year 2013, 
I wanna share with you my TEN all-time favorite songs of the Maroon 5 from their very first album (Songs about Jane) up to the latest (Overexposed). The songs are arranged chronologically and not from my least to most favorite song or the other way around. 

1. This Love - Songs about Jane (January 2004)
This has become a Maroon 5 classic, never gets old. My friends and I love to sing this in karaokes all the time. 

"I was so high, I did not recognize
The fire burning in her eyes"

2. She Will Be Loved - Songs about Jane (July 2004)
This has been one of the songs on top of my list, closest to my heart. It gives hope to all the girls who had their smiles broken. I always find myself singing this song, especially in the shower.  

"It's not always rainbows and butterflies
It's compromise that moves us along"

3. Sunday Morning - Songs about Jane (December 2004) 
This song reminds me of how slow can I get on a Sunday morning. This is perfect for days when you just want to roll over on your bed and never really get up. 

"But things just get so crazy, living life gets hard to do
And I would gladly hit the road, get up and go if I knew"

4. Nothing Lasts Forever - It Won't Be Soon Before Long (2007)
Don't you just love it when you find a song which speaks about the three words of advice you actually get from this life? I couldn't say no more, this song speaks for itself. 

"But nothing lasts forever but be honest, babe
It hurts but it may be the only way"

5. Goodnight Goodnight - It Won't Be Soon Before Long (November 2008)
If only every man is honest and humble enough to admit his mistake, everything will just work out fine. Sing this to me and I'll forget every reason why I got mad at you. 

"Some thing's gotta change
Things cannot stay the same"

6. Never Gonna Leave This Bed - Hands All Over (January 2011)
This song reminds me of "talking-about-any-random-stuff-while-cuddling-on-the-couch-and-never-get-tired-of-each-other" relationship. I like that shit, even if I had never done it actually with anyone(Lol). 

"Wake you up in the middle of the night to say
I will never walk away again"

7. Payphone - Overexposed (April 2012)
Definitely this song was a success all over the world. It was a mid-tempo song but then again, it talks about a romance which is over. 

If "Happy Ever After" did exist,
I would still be holding you like this

8. Daylight - Overexposed (November 2012) 
This one is for all the nights I made the most out of. Wanting not to sleep because I know my little fantasies may end too soon. This has made the best memories of 2012 ☺

"I never wanted to stop because I don't wanna start all over, 
I was afraid of the dark but now it's all that I want"

9. Sad - Overexposed (2012) It may sound deep, but it's true. Listening to this can make me cry, but I won't.  I listen to this when I regret something, even though it doesn't help me. This song has the right words I can't even express to myself or anyone.

"I'm kicking the curb cause you never heard
The words that you needed so bad"

10. Beautiful Goodbye - Overexposed (2012)
This song dates me back to the moments I fell so in love ♥ Not to mention that it says something about the eyes - the windows of one's soul, the part I always look into. If you're in love with someone or just in love with love (it can happen), I suggest you listen to this. I tell you, you will never get tired of listening to this. 

"Holding back, won't turn back time
Believe me, I've tried"

I hope you will love my list. I'm pretty sure there's more for the Maroon 5. 

Adam, can you write for me? ☺

Friday, December 28, 2012

Back after Six

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6... It has been SIX months since I last updated my blog. 

I know, this isn't normal for such a blogger. What was I thinking? I can't just take away what I have started here. I bet I have a lot of explaining to do. 

At some point, I miss the art of writing. You know, just letting your fingers do the typing on a previously blank paper. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to do that for the past six months (obviously). I was really caught up with A LOT, but I could summarize them into four major hindrances:

1. Pharmacy: A big shift in my career

I remember I wrote about all the doubts I had for myself in one post before. Well, my questions were answered in no time. Let's face it, Accountancy wasn't for me after all. I thought I could put the blame on the school's faculty and their newly-revised grading system, but others were able to make it. Now I understand why I have to fail before. I can assure you I did not sleep for three days straight just to study for the finals only for that accounting subject. And yet, I still failed. At least, I tried.  and that's all it matters.  

I thought I wouldn't be able to move on. However, through time, I was able to learn that Accountancy wasn't everything, and that's when I discovered Pharmacy. I am starting to love my course despite all the hassles in the laboratory, demanding teachers, and of course, the too much intake of information.  Well, Pharmacy had made me busier because of the many major subjects to fulfill compared to Accountancy. What I like most of this course is that I don't have to pressure myself anymore. I wouldn't live in agonies nor in doubts. But, that doesn't mean I wouldn't do my best. As much as possible, I want to maintain my average grades especially now that my subjects are getting harder and harder.

2. My Birthday: Celebrating my transition to Womanhood 

Up to now, I still can't believe I just became a debutante last 31st of August. I really thought Mom wouldn't give me a party that I wanted so bad. I mean like, who doesn't want to be the center of attraction at least for one night? I wouldn't exchange the wonderful memories for anything material. 

One month preparation and we all pulled it through together with the help of my family, especially my two aunties and grandma, who complied with our financial constraints.  There were a lot to prepare, I swear it wasn't that easy. Even Mom and I had to go through a lot of dramas because she thinks I'm not doing anything for my birthday, you know, the sitting pretty kind of stuff.

Though it wasn't really that grand, I was very happy because the people who made a difference in my life were able to come, at least, if not all. Mom really showed how much she can be a mother to me despite of not being a perfect daughter to her. I love my Mom, she really is the reason why my birthday is complete. At the end of the night, no words can express how was I thankful for everything.

3. Parties: My new Outlet

Party here. Party there. Party everywhere!

Indeed, 2012 did throw a lot of party-like-it's-the-end-of-the-world parties. That doesn't necessarily mean I became a party animal for attending such. I guess I've just seen myself went out more often than usual. Not to mention, this year is our batch's turn to become of legal ages. This is where I get to socialized but then leave my body restless for not getting enough sleep.

This year, I also went for the chill mode, in other words, "tambay". Ever since, this has become our favorite past time. From fast food chains to coffee shops to resto bars, whatever you call them. Maybe the reason I didn't find myself writing for the past six months is because I often find myself having heart-to-heart talks with my closest friends, and I find therapeutic listening much way better than this, writing.

4. Exercise: My one-way step to healthy living

I may be the luckiest girl in the world for eating anything I want without getting fat, but my tummy is merely an exception for being the only thing that's getting bigger. It sucks, really bad. It's okay if my extra fats would go to my tits or butt so at least I will have something to look forward to.

My mother was the first one who encouraged me to do some workout even just here in the house. Well, the whole family is quite body conscious the past few years, so I guess it's time to blend in. Every week, I would spend at least 3-4 times exercising when I arrive home from school. If it's quite a week, then two days will do. Sometimes, I would find this as stress-reliever but since it's a rigorous activity, it exhausts me as well.

I'm really trying my best to catch up with you, my zippers. What a shame I came this year with number of posts I can even count on my fingers. I do hope I could explain further each of my reasons here (fingers crossed). At least for now, you know what I've been up to for the past six months.☺

Say hello to my most recent look. 

Monday, June 4, 2012


It's the first day of classes and of course, there is NO CLASS. 

Remember the "road" I have been referring to in The Teller since more likely three weeks ago? (if you have actually read it) Well, this is it. 
I'm officially a Pharmacy student at the University of San Agustin, Iloilo. 

I know it's a big question of why? how come? what happened? but I will not be answering those questions here, probably in a different post.

Let me show you the journey of our day as we had nothing to do, but wait earlier.
Photos were randomly taken... but each has a story to tell.  
It begins here
Making use of our white indestructible mobile phones
Vandals are sometimes inspirational
Just accenting ourselves
It feels great to be irregular 
Looking vintage
Because I was deceived by these crablets
Water is life
So Good! 
And we call it a day...

Credits to my dear friend, Eunice, for taking mostly of the shots. These weren't photo shopped or instagram-ed.
Lesson learned: You don't need an overpriced camera to capture beautiful moments.
Embrace art. Learn some skills.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Just Starships

After three long months, I guess I'm back.
Though I grew up as a frustrated dancer, my desire to dance in every beat I can feel my muscles losing control, didn't stop there. Though I still had the why-abouts of my mother not enrolling me in any dancing lessons before, my eagerness still led me to show off some moves!

Below is just one of my crazy dances caught on tape. Ever since Starships by Nicki Minaj hit the billboards, I have always found myself do some random choreos in front of the mirror every time this music plays. Fortunately, at one debut party, we had to give an intermission number and this song was chosen. It was choreographed by Carlson Baleriado, a friend of a friend, and his company. Because I fell in love with the moves and thought that this could be a tribute to the song, I decided to make a post and a video about it. 

I am like this song, too. I love to dance whenever I'm on the floor like it's my last chance. AND if you want more, then here I am. 
You see, there are certain things people aren't born with, but that doesn't stop you from learning how to do them, right? I'm not a self-proclaimed good dancer, well, who cares? All I know is I wanna have fun!

Bear with me, the quality sucks.

I don't know, I think I'm just more vain than I think I am.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Dash Errands

After making my way out of the narrow and deep exit of the year passed, I was greeted upfront by these untimely rushed chores. Again, time traveled so fast, so fast that only after more or less 41 days I get to randomly reflect on my endeavors. 
To begin with, 

  • Mid-terms 

One word...UGH
We were left with a week and a half to discuss and finish all our lessons, what to expect? Hell week
I tried my best to study every night and make the most of it productive and by ultimately achieving this, I combated drowsiness with a cup of coffee and pica-pica, leading me to four hours of sleep in four straight days. On the fifth day, I got sick. I had Fever. I can't think. I can't study by the week end. I need to rest. I need to get some sleep. I need not to go to school. I was like "aj^@*#^%!" I became fine just as the night before exams, yeah, so timely. 
All in all, I've got nine subjects to study so I ended up, you know...half-dead, half-paralyzed. I wasn't satisfied with the outcome especially with that of my major subject - Accounting Love. (instead of Accounting Shit, you know why) Depressing 'cause I wasn't able to make it, UGHgain. But that wasn't all, I knew by heart I was pre-occupied and somewhat distracted at that time, not to mention the festivity and merry-making that are waiting for me. 

  • Election

After tasting  the heaven felt on earth on that outrageously fun weekend following my mid-terms exam, I came across with a break. I thought it was silly and unreasonable at first. Like, who? me? Run for election? seriously? I've never done that except for some club organizations but that of my college? Oh no. There are merely certain factors why I thought of refusing it (That's another different story). However, with the help of my companions and with the enthusiasm I saw within Nang Pevs who is running for president, I grabbed it. Filing my candidacy honestly gave me chills. It's another responsibility I accepted. I ran for the position of 2nd year board member and only my fellow batchmates could vote for me. Above that, I shouldn't be anti-social anymore. When hanging with the group, I was really really quite, timid, and shy. I'm finding my way to my comfort zone and just be casual. Being the youngest, I don't talk and do a lot. Yet, in turn, my party mates were very welcoming to make me belong. Well, to be elected, the people should see your sincerity, dedication, and commitment towards your accountability. Many people, well, at least most if not all, saw them in our group. With our flyers, name tags, and bands, we were able to campaign vigorously under the banner of D.E.B.I.T Party. "Dominion of Exemplary Businessmen who promotes Independence and Trust towards students." 
Photos courtesy of Pevee Nacanaynay :)
The election was in line with our JPIA week. To make the story short and to not prolong the agony, I lost by 3 points. 75 vs 72. I need at least 3 or 4 more votes to aim it. DAMN! FATE. But what other depresses me is the fact that, two sections weren't able to vote for me within the ongoing election. Another sigh. Congratulations to my fellow Debitants who made it! I'm pretty sure that they all deserve the votes and trust of the Jpians. 
At the end of the day, it's not really about winning or getting the position, it's about gaining friendship and trying out the challenge. Nevertheless, I am very much thankful for all the people who supported and entrusted their votes for me. Maybe politics isn't my calling. This whole election thing---charged to experience, and that is what I am most grateful for. 

Pre-finals came after and my goal was UNO. After meeting new faces of my manongs and manangs at the accountancy department, I've gotten motivated and inspired. I thought for a moment, I, too, wanted to be just like them. I really admire their perseverance and hardwork. If they can make it, why can't I? 
I think it's really time for me straighten and fix things up. If I was discouraged at the beginning, I couldn't go back anymore, all I have to do is to start today and make a new ending. If I saw my name on the other list, but not in the list of new officers, it's a cue that I should have more focus on my studies first. I gained some, I lost some. But that doesn't matter. 

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Le départ

On my favorite spot, once again, I've been overshadowed by these contemplations over the past year. I've realized how much more important it is to just let your fingers do the typing and eventually your deep thoughts and feelings will follow than remembering or thinking about them in your head, listening to what your mind says and letting your heart compromise, again.
To tell you honestly, I was very reluctant at the beginning to write something like this. Too cliched. But everything just keeps on coming back, telling me that it's time to leave all what has passed and start the year with a very pure heart, filled with happiness, contentment, kindness, and love; no more sadness, dissatisfaction, cruelty, and hate.

Just as any other good friends of mine would say, 2011 is quite a year. There are many ups as well as the downs. There were many heartaches and despairs, yet lessons and chances arose from these two, which is basically the reason why I had to go through them. Blessings in disguise, I would rather say. 

Many things were forgotten and lost yet much more things were remembered and found. It was a year of departures. Leaving such an Alma mater with all the courage you've got is way unbearable.(That's according to me.) Since, high school was so far the best thing that ever happened to me, I just wanted to stay there forever, with all the people who I never thought could make me who I am today and with all the people who I just know for who they are. Leaving all my other prophecies of the future and just focusing on what my heart truly desires. Leaving the ones who shattered my heart into pieces, who broke my trust and hopes, and who never ever handed down their insensitivity in front of me. It's time to LEAVE

Some say you leave because you can't take it. I say, I leave to start anew. 
On the brighter side, while you're actually on that melancholic process, you'll always be accompanied by the ones who choose to stay with you when everyone else turns left and the ones who care and feel for you when everyone else gets imprudent. Sometimes, you'll come across or bumped into people who you never thought would mend those broken pieces; as another treatment for that wounded heart. 
Well, another year is just another year. YET this time, I rather wish to stay than to leave...